3 research outputs found

    The Performance and Efficiency of XYZ Bank Work Units

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    Bank is an institution or business entity that has a big role in the financial system in the world, especially in Indonesia. The banking industry, which consists of government-owned banks and private banks with sharia and conventional systems, are mutually exclusive to survive the current tough competition. There have been various ways that have been done to attract attention to its customers. Bank XYZ realizes that the competition between companies is getting bigger, therefore the management of XYZ Bank issued a policy by building a new work unit. The operational sustainability of XYZ Bank in the Indonesian banking industry is closely related to the ability to maintain high competitiveness. Bank competitiveness can be reflected in the level of operational efficiency. This study uses secondary data from the XYZ Bank work unit and is analyzed by Data Envelopment Analysis. It is known that in the Bogor work unit, from the 17 times studied, 5 of them experienced inefficient conditions, while the Yogyakarta work unit was known to have 6 times that were inefficient. Keywords: data envelopment analysis, efficiency, work unit, banking industry, bank competitivenes

    Analisis Kinerja dan Efisiensi Unit Kerja Bank XYZ

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    Bank XYZ realizes that the competition between companies is getting bigger, therefore the management of XYZ Bank issued a policy by building a new work unit. The operational sustainability of XYZ Bank in the Indonesian banking industry is closely related to the ability to maintain high competitiveness. Differences in work areas are also considered to have a role in achieving company targets. Where this is illustrated by the difference in business conditions and public behavior with banking. Based on Table 1.4, it is explained that there is a real comparison of new work units and old work units that can affect the financial performance of XYZ Bank. The research objectives are to 1) To analyze the characteristics of the XYZ Bank work units in the Yogyakarta and Bogor regions; 2) Analyzing the financial performance of the XYZ Bank work units in the Yogyakarta and Bogor regions; and 3) Analyze the performance and efficiency positions of the two work units of XYZ Bank. The research was conducted in two work units of Bank XYZ located in Yogyakarta and Bogor Regencies. The data used are (input: savings, interest expense, labor costs, credit; output: assets and interest income). The method used for this research is descriptive analysis, Data Envelopment Analysis, and malmquist index. Company assets are known to have increased by the Bogor work unit 16.3 percent and the Yogyakarta work unit 11.3 percent. Interest income increased by the Bogor work unit 33.9 percent and the Yogyakarta work unit by 52.8 percent, savings increased by the Bogor work unit by 14.4 percent and the Yogyakarta work unit by 15.4 percent, the interest expense increased by the Bogor work unit 41.3 percent and the Yogyakarta work unit 40.7 percent, the workloads of Bogor work unit increased by 35.4 percent and the Yogyakarta work unit by 52.9 percent, and the credit extended by the Bogor work unit by 4.4 percent and the Yogyakarta work unit 18.3 percent. The processing results show that the two work units (Bogor and Yogyakarta) have different efficiency values in each time. It is known that in the Bogor work unit, out of the 17 times studied, 5 of them experienced inefficient conditions, while the Yogyakarta work unit was known to have 6 times that were inefficient. The mapping of work productivity in Yogyakarta is known to have been efficient but has not yet reached the expected productivity, while the Bogor work unit has achieved the expected productivity and efficiency. This has an impact on future policies that will be taken by managers in the unit


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    Suatu kondisi terjadi pada siswa kelas 3 Program Keahlian Listrik Industri SMK PGRI 3 Cimahi pada program diklat Pengujian Karakterisitik Mesin Listrik DC dalam materi pemahaman praktikum mesin listrik DC bahwa dari hasil tes yang dilakukan oleh guru bidang studi untuk penguasaan materi pemahaman praktikum mesin listrik DC, menunjukkan prestasi belajar yang bervariasi dan siswa memperoleh nilai yang rendah. Dari wawancara dengan beberapa siswa, diketahui bahwa mereka mengalami kesulitan dalam melakukan praktikum, karena kurangnya pengetahuan mengenai teori yang dipakai. Berdasarkan hasil analisis pada kurikulum yang digunakan, diketahui bahwa materi penunjang untuk pemahaman praktikum mesin listrik DC pada program diklat Pengujian Karakterisitik Mesin Listrik DC salah satunya adalah penguasaan konsep dasar mesin listrik yang terdapat pada program diklat Pengetahuan Konsep Dasar Mesin Listrik Berdasarkan hal tersebut di atas maka penelitian memiliki beberapa tujuan diantaranya: ingin mengetahui tingkat penguasaan siswa dalam konsep dasar mesin listrik yang terdapat pada program diklat Pengetahuan Konsep Dasar Mesin Listrik yang telah diberikan di kelas satu, ingin mengetahui tingkat penguasaan siswa dalam praktikum mesin listrik DC pada program diklat Pengujian Karakterisitik Mesin Listrik DC yang telah dipelajari di kelas dua, dan tujuan umumnya ingin mengetahui bagaimana hubungan antara penguasaan konsep dasar mesin listrik dengan penguasaan praktikum mesin listrik DC. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut di atas, maka dilakukan suatu penelitian dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Teknik pengambilan data dilakukan dengan dokumentasi dan tes. Hasil dari penyebaran ujicoba tes objektif sebayak 35 soal untuk materi dasar mesin listrik (variabel X) dan 25 soal untuk materi pemahaman praktikum mesin listrik DC (variabel Y), setelah mengalami uji validitas, reliabilitas, tingkat kesukaran dan daya pembeda maka diperoleh instrumen tes untuk variabel X sebanyak 26 item dan untuk variabel Y sebanyak 20 item. Selanjutnya terhadap hasil dari penyebaran instrumen variabel X dan Y dilakukan beberapa pengujian analisis statistik dengan menggunakan program SPSS versi 11.0, pengujian yang dimaksud yaitu: uji normalitas, uji regresi, uji korelasi dan uji hipotesis. Dari hasil pengujian analisis statistik diperoleh beberapa kesimpulan. Pada materi konsep dasar mesin listrik sebesar 84 % siswa memperoleh nilai T skor kurang dari 60, hal ini menunjukkan tingkat penguasaan yang relatif rendah. Pada materi praktikum mesin listrik DC sebesar 84 % siswa memperoleh nilai T skor kurang dari 60, hal ini pun menunjukkan tingkat penguasaan siswa yang relatif rendah. Dan dengan diperoleh nilai koefisien korelasi (r) sebesar 0.672, menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara penguasaan konsep dasar mesin listrik yang terdapat pada program diklat Pengetahuan Konsep Dasar Mesin Listrik dengan penguasaan praktikum mesin listrik DC pada program diklat Pengujian Karakterisitik Mesin Listrik DC